Stakeholder meeting

Stakeholder meeting (date TBA)

The OEB is interested in hearing from stakeholders about current standby rate practices and to discuss options moving forward. Consideration will be given to the interim nature of some existing rates and approaches for distributors seeking to establish new standby rates.

The session will include discussions related to:

  • cost causation of standby service
  • what approaches incent efficient use of the distribution system
  • how these are influenced by characteristics of the backup service being provided
    • e.g., size, availability and dispatchability of a resource being backed up by the distributor

The scope of this consultation is limited to distribution rates for standby service for customer-owned load. It will not include distributed energy resources or other facilities deployed for any other purpose other than load displacement.

Stakeholders interested in participating in this initiative are asked to email by October 12, 2023. Please include "EB-2023-0278 - Standby Rates" in the subject line.

Distributors who wish to make a presentation related to their circumstances related to standby rates are invited to contact Andrew Frank.

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing:">Load Comment Text</span>