Adjudicative Modernization Committee - Term One

The First Term of the Adjudicative Modernization Committee has now ended. 

The Adjudicative Modernization Committee (AMC) was established in June 2021. The AMC will be called upon to provide early advice to senior management and the Chief Commissioner, and serve as a forum for informal discussions with industry stakeholders on matters related to adjudication process and policy.

The AMC will provide advice, input and feedback regarding matters such as the Rules of Practice and Procedure and related Practice Directions, Filing Requirements, Guidelines, procedural practices (including matters managed by the Registrar), and other matters relating to the OEB’s adjudicative function and its modernization efforts. A specific focus of the AMC will be

The Adjudicative Modernization Committee (AMC) was established in June 2021. The AMC will be called upon to provide early advice to senior management and the Chief Commissioner, and serve as a forum for informal discussions with industry stakeholders on matters related to adjudication process and policy.

The AMC will provide advice, input and feedback regarding matters such as the Rules of Practice and Procedure and related Practice Directions, Filing Requirements, Guidelines, procedural practices (including matters managed by the Registrar), and other matters relating to the OEB’s adjudicative function and its modernization efforts. A specific focus of the AMC will be to consider best practices and approaches to adjudication that enhance the OEB’s efficiency and effectiveness in delivering on its mandate. It will provide early perspectives and advice on any matters within the purview of the Chief Commissioner. The AMC represents one of a number of advisory mechanisms available to help inform the OEB’s thinking as it continues to enhance adjudicative processes and formulate efficient and effective adjudicative policy.

The AMC will include industry knowledgeable persons from both the natural gas and electricity sectors. The Committee will be representative of Ontario’s diverse range of rate regulated utilities. AMC will strive to achieve a balance of views among utilities in the natural gas and electricity sectors, and customer representatives.

This is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide direct input to the OEB at early stages, including to the Chief Commissioner.

The First Term of the Adjudicative Modernization Committee has now ended. 

  • OEB announces membership of Adjudicative Modernization Committee

    • Utility representatives
      • Kathleen Burke, Director, Major Applications, Hydro One Networks Inc.
      • Melissa Casson, Vice President, Finance, North Bay Hydro Distribution Limited
      • Daliana Coban, Director, Regulatory Applications and Business Support, Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited
      • Adam Giddings, Director, Regulatory and Finance, Lakefront Utility Services Inc.
      • Sarah Hughes, Chief Financial Officer, Energy+ Inc.
      • Mark Kitchen, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Enbridge Gas Inc.
      • Sabah Zadeh, VP of Regulatory Affairs, Ontario Power Generation Inc.
    • Customer representatives
      • Dr. Don Richardson, Consultant, Anwaatin Inc.
      • Mark Rubenstein, Lawyer, Shepherd Rubenstein
      • Julie Girvan, Energy Advisor/Consultant, Consumers Council of Canada
    • Consultants
      • Paula Conboy, Chair & CEO, Conboy Advisory Services
      • John Vellone, Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

    Updated February 6, 2023

  • OEB announces Terms of Reference for Adjudicative Modernization Committee

    The AMC will provide advice, input and feedback regarding matters such as Rules of Practice and Procedure and related Practice Directions, Filing Requirements, Guidelines, procedural practices (including matters managed by the Registrar), and other matters relating to the OEB’s adjudicative function and modernization efforts. A specific focus of the AMC will be to consider best practices and approaches to adjudication that enhance the OEB’s efficiency and effectiveness in delivering on our mandate. It will provide early perspectives and advice on any matters within the purview of the Chief Commissioner.