Adjudicative Modernization Committee - Term Two

In June 2021, the OEB announced the establishment of the Adjudicative Modernization Committee (AMC), a stakeholder committee that can be called upon to provide early advice to senior management and the Chief Commissioner and serve as a forum for informal discussions with industry stakeholders on matters related to adjudication process and policy. This committee is representative of large and small rate regulated utilities and consumer representatives who typically participate in the OEB’s adjudicative processes.

AMC provides early perspectives, advice, input and feedback regarding matters such as the Rules of Practice and Procedure and related Practice Directions, Filing Requirements, Guidelines, procedural practices (including matters managed by the Registrar), and other matters relating to the OEB’s adjudicative function and its continuous improvement efforts. A specific focus of AMC is to consider best practices and approaches to adjudication that enhance the OEB’s efficiency and effectiveness in delivering on its mandate. It provides early perspective on a broad range of adjudicative matters.

After a successful and productive first term, the AMC remains an integral part of the OEB's Stakeholder Engagement Framework. It is now in its second term.

In June 2021, the OEB announced the establishment of the Adjudicative Modernization Committee (AMC), a stakeholder committee that can be called upon to provide early advice to senior management and the Chief Commissioner and serve as a forum for informal discussions with industry stakeholders on matters related to adjudication process and policy. This committee is representative of large and small rate regulated utilities and consumer representatives who typically participate in the OEB’s adjudicative processes.

AMC provides early perspectives, advice, input and feedback regarding matters such as the Rules of Practice and Procedure and related Practice Directions, Filing Requirements, Guidelines, procedural practices (including matters managed by the Registrar), and other matters relating to the OEB’s adjudicative function and its continuous improvement efforts. A specific focus of AMC is to consider best practices and approaches to adjudication that enhance the OEB’s efficiency and effectiveness in delivering on its mandate. It provides early perspective on a broad range of adjudicative matters.

After a successful and productive first term, the AMC remains an integral part of the OEB's Stakeholder Engagement Framework. It is now in its second term.

  • OEB announces membership of second term of Adjudicative Modernization Committee

    The OEB has selected the members of the upcoming second term of the Adjudicative Modernization Committee (AMC):

    Electricity distributors and transmitters

    • Kathleen Burke, Vice President Regulatory Affairs, Hydro One Networks Inc.
    • Daliana Coban, Director, Regulatory Affairs and Business Support Toronto, Hydro-Electric System Limited
    • Stephen Vetsis, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Stakeholder Relations, Elexicon Energy Inc.
    • Dan Molon, Director, Regulatory Affairs and Financial Planning, Grand Bridge Energy Inc.
    • Katie Speziale, Corporate Financial Analyst, Synergy North Corp.
    • Alyson Conrad, Chief Financial Officer, Festival Hydro Inc.

    Natural gas distributors

    • Mark Kitchen, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Enbridge Gas Inc.


    • Saba Zadeh, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Ontario Power Generation Inc.

    Consumer groups

    • Mark Rubenstein, Partner, Shepherd Rubenstein Professional Corporation
    • Julie Girvan, Energy Advisor / Consultant, Consumers Council of Canada

    Consultants/utility legal counsel

    • David Stevens, Partner, Aird and Berlis LLP
    • John Vellone, Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

    The OEB thanks everyone who was nominated this year and is looking forward to an active term. The first meeting of the Term #2 Adjudicative Modernization Committee will be held on November 28, 2023.

  • OEB releases call for nominations for the 2nd term of its Adjudicative Modernization Committee

    The OEB has issued a letter that sets out the process for nominations for Term #2 of the OEB’s Adjudicative Modernization Committee.

    The OEB invites those interested in nominating themselves or qualified candidates to participate as a member of Term #2 of AMC (including those members of Term #1) by completing the confidential nominations form via this secure link by 5 p.m. ET by October 10, 2023.

Page last updated: 15 Jul 2024, 02:45 PM