Dates for registered stakeholders to provide comments

The OEB thanks those who participated in the May 14, 2024 stakeholder session on proposed updates to the Filing Guidelines for Ontario Power Generation.

Dates for registered stakeholders to provide written comments:

  • Written comments should be filed with the OEB by June 11, 2024
  • Stakeholders also have the option to provide additional comments in response to any initial feedback by other stakeholders by June 25, 2024

Update on cost awards eligible activities

Cost awards will be available to eligible participants for participation in the initial stakeholder meeting to a maximum of actual meeting time plus two (2) hours for preparation and six (6) hours for subsequent review and written comments on the draft proposed Filing Requirements.

The time allotted for cost awards related to written comments was initially set at four (4) hours in the OEB’s invitation letter. This has been increased to six (6) hours to accommodate a second round of comments for any interested stakeholder.

For other matters related to cost award eligibility, please refer to the OEB’s invitation letter for more details.

How to File Materials

  • All written materials sent to the OEB in response to this letter will be posted on the OEB’s website.
  • All communications should be directed to the attention of the Registrar and be received by end of business, 4:45 p.m., on the required date.

Stakeholders are responsible for ensuring that any documents they file with the OEB do not include personal information (as that phrase is defined in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act), unless filed in accordance with rule 9A of the OEB’s Rules of Practice and Procedure.

Please quote file number EB-2024-0136 for all materials filed and submit them in searchable/unrestricted PDF format with a digital signature through the OEB’s online filing portal.

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