About the OEB's Filing Guidelines for Ontario Power Generation

OPG is the province’s largest electricity producer – its regulated generation facilities in Ontario consist of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station and the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station and 54 regulated hydroelectric generating stations.

OPG’s payment amounts relate to generation from its nuclear and hydroelectric facilities. OPG’s payment amounts make up a portion of the electricity line, one of the line items on customers’ bills.

The OEB is authorized to set these payment amounts under Section 78.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. The form, methodology, assumptions and calculations to be used in determining these amounts, along with the rules that must by followed by the OEB are set out in O. Reg. 53/05.

The OEB publishes Filing Guidelines for OPG that are intended to establish regulatory predictability and assist OPG in ensuring that its payment amounts applications include the information the OEB needs. The Filing Guidelines also include the rules the OEB must follow in setting those payment amounts.

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