Policy Day 2022
Policy Day 2022 has ended. For information on the latest Policy Day, please return to https://engagewithus.oeb.ca/policyday.
The 2nd annual Policy Day took place October 13, 2022.
The energy sector is undergoing a significant transition. Through Policy Day 2022, we’re engaging the sector as the OEB develops its plans to ensure we navigate the transition together. Being ready to address system and customer needs is top-of-mind for sector players and accordingly form multiple elements of our forward work plan.
The 2nd annual Policy Day took place October 13, 2022.
The energy sector is undergoing a significant transition. Through Policy Day 2022, we’re engaging the sector as the OEB develops its plans to ensure we navigate the transition together. Being ready to address system and customer needs is top-of-mind for sector players and accordingly form multiple elements of our forward work plan.
Policy Day 2022 has ended. For information on the latest Policy Day, please return to https://engagewithus.oeb.ca/policyday.
What We Heard: A Report Back on Stakeholder Input at Policy Day 2022
Here’s our report back on stakeholder input from Policy Day 2022.
Drawing on lessons learned from our inaugural event in September 2021, we took the stakeholder feedback to heart in creating Policy Day 2022. We cut back on formal presentations, provided more time for stakeholder discussion and input, contextual material was shared in advance to better prepare participants for the conversations they’d have, and we gave the event a clear focus: the energy transition.
We discussed the emerging and transformative issues associated with the energy transition and how we should respond to these challenges. Our executive team shared initial thinking on how the energy transition would impact policy work, adjudicative and compliance functions, as well as operational effectiveness and efficiency enhancements. Their conversation served to provide broader context for the plans, priorities and issues discussed by stakeholders in greater detail in breakout rooms.
A recording of the event and a copy of the materials shared with participants are also available. Click on the links on the right-hand side of this page under "Videos" and "Policy Day 2022 Materials."
Thank You to stakeholders for joining us
Thank you to the stakeholders from across the energy sector who joined us on Oct. 13, 2022,
for the OEB’s second annual Policy Day.
This year’s theme, “Delivering Public Value: Navigating the Energy Transition as a Top-Quartile Regulator,” reflects our commitment, as Ontario’s independent economic energy regulator, to being active and engaged in defining a net zero future for this province.
The OEB’s Registrar Nancy Marconi moderated a thoughtful dialogue between CEO Susanna Zagar, Chief Commissioner Lynne Anderson, Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel Carolyn Calwell and COO Harneet Panesar on the priorities of the OEB and the implications of the energy transition. Breakout groups tackled a range of issues including customer choice, grid readiness for electric vehicles, innovation and the refresh of adjudicative policies and the final plenary session of the day allowed all participants the ability to pose any question to the OEB’s executive leadership team.
Watch for a summary report about what we heard at Policy Day 2022 coming soon.
Policy Day 2022 theme & agenda announced
Opening Remarks
OEB CEO Susanna Zagar
C-Suite in Conversation
The full OEB executive leadership team comes together for a panel discussion on the emerging and transformative issues associated with the energy transition and the elements of our forward work plan aimed at responding to these challenges.
(l-r) OEB Registrar Nancy Marconi moderates a dialogue between Chief Executive Officer Susanna Zagar, Chief Commissioner Lynne Anderson, Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel Carolyn Calwell and Chief Operating Officer Harneet Panesar focused on the implications of the energy transition to the OEB’s policy work, adjudicative and compliance functions and operational effectiveness and efficiency enhancements.
Break Outs
Registration for break-out sessions is required. Capacity per breakout room is limited so participants are asked to indicate their preference. Rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis with the OEB doing its best to accommodate preferences.
Participants to register for two breakout sessions on the following topics:
EV Readiness - A conversation about the steps the OEB should take to enable the sector to prepare for EV adoption and cost-effective accommodation of new EV-related demand.
Facilitating Innovation - An examination of the opportunities, enhancements and next steps for the OEB to facilitate adoption of new technologies and approaches for providing energy services of value for consumers.
Impacts of the Energy Transition on Customers - What does the energy transition look like for customers? An exploration of how to address the impact of the energy transition on vulnerable consumers and/or historically disadvantaged populations.
Work Priorities & Refreshing Adjudicative Policies - A review of the OEB’s plan to refresh its adjudicative policies to ensure their continued effectiveness.
Digitalization: Data, Analytics & Effective Regulation - A discussion of how digitalization can support the energy transition on everything from process effectiveness, to decision-making, to sharing data and analytics for insights.
Plenary Q&A
Moderated by OEB Registrar Nancy Marconi, Chief Executive Officer Susanna Zagar, Chief Commissioner Lynne Anderson, Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel Carolyn Calwell and Chief Operating Officer Harneet Panesar take questions from Policy Day 2022 participants informed by discussions in the breakout rooms.
Closing Remarks
OEB CEO Susanna Zagar
Key dates
April 21 2022
August 03 2022
September 29 2022
October 07 2022
October 13 2022
Click here to play video Policy Day 2022 A video recording from the OEB's second annual Policy Day sharing Chief Executive Officer Susanna Zagar’s opening remarks, the panel discussion between Susanna, Chief Commissioner Lynne Anderson, Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel Carolyn Calwell and Chief Operating Officer Harneet Panesar, moderated by Registrar Nancy Marconi, and the closing Q&A
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We're listening
Chief Executive Officer
Email policyday@oeb.ca -
Chief Commissioner
Email policyday@oeb.ca -
Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel
Email policyday@oeb.ca -
Chief Operating Officer
Email policyday@oeb.ca