Natural Gas Conservation Evaluation Advisory Committee (EAC)

The EAC provides input on the OEB's evaluation of natural gas energy efficiency and conservation programs

One of the OEB’s objectives is to promote energy conservation and energy efficiency in accordance with the policies of the Government of Ontario. Consistent with this objective, the OEB develops policies related to energy efficiency and energy conservation, considers utility requests for conservation programs, conducts research studies, and evaluates conservation program results to ensure they are accurate.

To support the OEB’s evaluation of natural gas conservation programs it established an Evaluation Advisory Committee (EAC) in 2015. As part of the OEB's Decision and Order on Enbridge Gas's 2023-2025 natural gas conservation plan, the OEB confirmed that the EAC would continue as a standalone sub-committee of the broader Stakeholder Advisory Group. The EAC provides input and advice related to the various evaluation related projects undertaken by the OEB and Enbridge Gas. These include evaluation plans, impact evaluations, process evaluations, model verification studies, net-to-gross evaluations, measure life review, and technical resource manual updates. The EAC collaborates to help the OEB and its Evaluation Contractor produce the most accurate final, verified program results possible.

The EAC is chaired by OEB staff and includes representatives from Enbridge Gas, non-utility stakeholders, independent experts, staff from the Independent System Electricity Operator (IESO), and observers from the Ministry of Energy.

The EAC provides input on the OEB's evaluation of natural gas energy efficiency and conservation programs

One of the OEB’s objectives is to promote energy conservation and energy efficiency in accordance with the policies of the Government of Ontario. Consistent with this objective, the OEB develops policies related to energy efficiency and energy conservation, considers utility requests for conservation programs, conducts research studies, and evaluates conservation program results to ensure they are accurate.

To support the OEB’s evaluation of natural gas conservation programs it established an Evaluation Advisory Committee (EAC) in 2015. As part of the OEB's Decision and Order on Enbridge Gas's 2023-2025 natural gas conservation plan, the OEB confirmed that the EAC would continue as a standalone sub-committee of the broader Stakeholder Advisory Group. The EAC provides input and advice related to the various evaluation related projects undertaken by the OEB and Enbridge Gas. These include evaluation plans, impact evaluations, process evaluations, model verification studies, net-to-gross evaluations, measure life review, and technical resource manual updates. The EAC collaborates to help the OEB and its Evaluation Contractor produce the most accurate final, verified program results possible.

The EAC is chaired by OEB staff and includes representatives from Enbridge Gas, non-utility stakeholders, independent experts, staff from the Independent System Electricity Operator (IESO), and observers from the Ministry of Energy.

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    Custom Commercial and Industrial Evaluation Results (CPSV & NTG)

    The OEB has released two evaluation reports related to Enbridge Gas Inc.'s Custom Commercial, Custom Industrial and Large Volume offers. The evaluation studies assessed the accuracy of reported gross natural gas savings and the influence of Enbridge's offers. These evaluation studies are important in ensuring accurate program results. The full reports can be found here:

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    2023 Technical Resource Manual Update

    The OEB has released the updated version of the natural gas conservation Technical Resource Manual (TRM). The TRM is updated annually to ensure that the information related to various energy efficient technologies and equipment are up to date and consistent with the best information available. The information in the TRM is used to calculate energy savings from natural gas energy efficiency and conservation programs. It is also used for program planning and developing delivery strategies.

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    The OEB has released the 2022 DSM Results Report

    The 2022 DSM Results Report includes all verified natural gas savings from Enbridge Gas Inc.’s 2022 conservation programs. You can find the report here:

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    2023-25 Natural Gas DSM Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) Plan

    The OEB's 2023-2025 DSM EM&V Plan was produced by the OEB's Evaluation Contractor, DNV, with input from the OEB's Evaluation Advisory Committee. The 2023-25 EM&V Plan includes a list prioritized evaluation activity recommendations for the OEB to consider undertaking throughout calendar years 2024 through 2026.

    The OEB will use the EM&V Plan as a reference document to help inform future evaluation work. Ultimately, all future evaluation activities will be subject to the OEB's procurement process. The scope of work for any future evaluation project will be informed by the EM&V Plan and input from the Evaluation Advisory Committee.

    The EM&V Plan provides a thorough description of Enbridge Gas Inc.'s approved portfolio of programs that will be in market and available to customers throughout 2023-2025. For each program area, the specific offerings available to customers are described, with key benchmarks noted such as scorecard metrics, share of overall budget, natural gas savings and shareholder incentive allocation relative to the broader portfolio. Additionally, participation requirements, eligible efficiency measures, program maturity, target market and past evaluations are noted.

    For all program offerings, the Evaluation Contractor has provided its perspective of program and evaluation risks related to natural gas savings accuracy (for example, insufficient tracking data, inaccurate adjustment factors, improper measure installation rates, inaccurate measurement or modelling approaches, etc.). Also shown is the likelihood of occurrence, impact on savings estimates and recommended evaluation activities and relative evaluation cost. Based on this assessment, the Evaluation Contractor has provided recommended evaluation activities for each offering, with suggestions on approach.

    The 2023-2025 EM&V Plan is an important document that will help shape the OEB's review and assessment of Enbridge Gas Inc.'s approved natural gas energy efficiency and conservation programs.

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    eTools Validation Report

    The OEB has posted the final report of the evaluation study that assessed the accuracy of Enbridge Gas's energy modelling software called eTools. Enbridge Gas uses eTools to estimate natural gas savings following the implementation of energy-efficiency boiler equipment upgrades.

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    2022 Technical Resource Manual Update

    The OEB has released the updated version of the natural gas conservation Technical Resource Manual (TRM). The TRM is updated annually to ensure that the information related to various energy efficient technologies and equipment is up to date and consistent with the best information available. The information in the TRM is used to calculate energy savings from energy efficiency and conservation programs. It is also used for program planning and developing delivery strategies.

    The OEB also developed an electronic version of the TRM (eTRM) to act as a companion document to the main text-based TRM. The eTRM is a detailed, complete and discrete electronic dataset and identification system. The eTRM houses all technical information related to the various energy efficiency measures that have been, or currently are, offered in natural gas DSM programs. The primary purpose of the eTRM is to assist the OEB's Evaluation Contractor with data management tasks making the annual evaluation process more efficient. The eTRM also allows the OEB, its EC, members of the EAC, or other interested parties to look up information or manipulate the data, minimizing the burden of the standard text-based TRM document. The eTRM will be updated annually with all future TRM iterations.

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    The OEB has released the 2021 DSM Results Report

    The 2021 DSM Results Report includes all verified natural gas savings from Enbridge Gas Inc.’s 2021 conservation programs. You can find the release letter and report here:

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    2021 Technical Resource Manual Update

    The OEB has released the updated version of the natural gas conservation Technical Resource Manual (TRM). The TRM is updated annually to ensure that the information related to various energy efficient technologies and equipment is up to date and consistent with the best information available. The information in the TRM is used to calculate energy savings from energy efficiency and conservation programs. It is also used for program planning and developing delivery strategies.

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    The OEB has released the 2020 DSM Results Report

    The 2020 DSM Results Report includes all verified natural gas savings from Enbridge Gas Inc.’s 2020 conservation programs.

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    Updated Natural Gas DSM Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) Plan for 2021 and 2022

    The updated EM&V plan includes recommended evaluation activities from the OEB’s Evaluation Contractor, including priority levels for each activity. The OEB considers the recommendations, along with cost and value of each evaluation activity, when determining the scope of its annual evaluation work.

Page last updated: 20 Dec 2024, 01:19 PM